This site last updated on  04-Dec-2003
This ended up being a very short stay, as a result of my Father's ill health, so only one small set of photographs.
The final day of my trip around Australia, and the World was spent in Sydney, around the Harbour area. I took a trip across the Harbour on a ferry, where I got some stunning views of the Bridge and Opera House. On the Harbour side, some Aboriginal performers did a wonderful performance of an Emu and Wallaby. I was also able to get close to the super Cruise Liner Star Princess. My final shot was of the Sydney skyline

This is now the time to say a fond goodbye to all who have followed my travels, and given me such support and encouragement. I want you to all know that sharing my experiences with you on this web site, and through the e-mails has really enhanced the trip for me. I hope I have been able to provide a few hints and tips along the way.

If you would like to e-mail me to ask for any ideas of things to do and not do, please feel free to do so. Thank you to all, and my good wishes to you for the future.