This site last updated on  26-Jul-2003

I had four full days at Sunbanks Resort on Banks Lake in Eastern Washington, with Alison and her family, Neil, Norelle, Natasha, Andon, Addison, and Narissa. Along with 11 other families who all had a common link through friendship with the Heathman's. I would like to thank everybody who was there for making it such a special trip for me. I would also like to wish Doloras Paterson a speedy recovery from her broken foot! Below are some of the images.

You can go to this web site for more pictures: Thank's to Harry Snyder for the link.

Click here to return to the North-West page.

 We arrived on the Tuesday to be greeted by this wonderful sunset.
 On the first full day, we had some really good wind, and I was able to go sailing with Guy Dalrymple. He was a wonderful teacher, and very gracious when I nearly capsized the dinghy, a 470, Olympic racer! The picture is of Neil and Alison just setting off.
 We had a campfire on the first full night. The first image is of Andon cooking Marsh Mallows. We then had some singing, courtesy of Doloras and her guitar. Finally, a picture of Alison rocking Narissa to sleep!
 The campsite we adopted became like everybody's back yard. Very homely. As you can see, we had continuous sunshine throughout the 5 days we were there.
One day, all the adult girls (women!!) decided to go out "tubing". Affectionately known as "Chick Tubing". This is them leaving. I have to say, as a not so humble male, they were just as bad as us men when it came to behaving like kids!!!
There where not too many opportunities for time to relax with 5 children, but this was one, just before dinner one evening. I call it "The Calm before the Storm".
This was all of us at dinner that evening. Not easy to squeeze 8 people into this picture, but it is not too bad. From left to right we have Norelle, Addison, Andon, me, Neil, Narissa, Alison, and Natasha.
This was one of the 5 boats we took to the cliff dive, the ski boat belonging to the Griffin's, the McIrvin's neighbours. I had an attempt at Water Skiing, but fortunately no pictures of me falling frequently!!
Here is Andon (on the left) and his friend Tyler Heathman, in the inner tube, being dragged to the cliff dive area.
This is me. (Not too flattering. Yes, I haven't lost any weight!) I'm about to jump off a 10 foot cliff. To prove that I did jump, click here to see me enter the water. I subsequently dived off this cliff, and here is a picture of me diving, Copyright of Harry Snyder.
This is a picture of the big cliff. There is no evidence of me jumping off this, so the faint hearted need not be concerned!.
Well, after all the cliff jumping, we returned to the camp site, and after the kids did some water skiing and inner tubing during the afternoon, we all gathered around for some well deserved Aperitifs. This degenerated into a snack and drink dinner, followed by roast Marsh Mallows by a camp fire.
 The final morning I got up early, and managed to get this very tranquil picture of the lake and cliff that surrounded the lake.